Technological Advancements in Awards and Recognition Production

New Ways to Make Your Next Lucite Award or SIGG Water Bottle Stand Out

Whenever we meet with clients, the first thing they ask is: “What is new?” They want to know about innovations in the product/process or new printing techniques. The reality is that innovations are really nothing more than tweaking what has already been done and pushing technology to see if we can do more.

Digital Printing and UV Inks


Digital printing techniques have been around for a few years now. The UV inks that are being used are making life easier in some ways and difficult in others. For example, once you print with digital UV ink, it dries almost instantaneously. On one hand, that is not ideal because it makes it impossible to reclaim the product once it has been printed on. Another downside is that it takes longer to print on items than the more traditional screen printing. However, from a production standpoint, it improves drying time speed and allows for more detailed and multi coloured printing.

For us, we embrace the innovations in the digital printing process. It is exciting to be able to print multi-colour artwork on our acetates. This allows us to speed up the embedment process and offer more interesting acetates in our Lucite awards. We are finding more and more clients are asking for combinations of custom decorating on the Lucite awards with not only laser engraving, embedment, but also digital printing on the surface of the Lucite.

Technological advancements in digital printing also allow us to offer a more custom and intricate look to the pieces. With digital printing, we have been printing on materials other than Lucite and our SIGG water bottles. We have had great success with glass, wood, steel and other materials.


Creativity in Textured Printing

Digital printing has encouraged our clients to become more innovative and daring in their approach to branding and customizing their SIGG water bottles. In the past few months, we have been fine-tuning our textured printing on SIGG bottles and the response has been amazing. The feel and look of the textured printing brings a new dimension to the custom SIGG bottle that we are excited to explore.

This option may not be for everyone as it more of an investment than regular printing due to the multi layers of texture laid down on the artwork. However, when clients see the completed job, they feel it is totally worth it to get the effect. For those projects that are looking for that unique and special touch, this effect is well worth investigating.

Tone-on-Tone Printing

Another digital printing effect that is very popular on SIGG water bottles is the new tone-on-tone printing. If a client is looking to brand their logo or event in a subtle and distinctive way, this is the printing effect for them. It is understated, refined and custom in a way that makes the message individual on SIGG bottle.

Although challenging to capture in a photo, you can see that this printing process provides the customization in an understated way which, in some cases, is the best fit for a particular brand or event.

Lighting Up Lucite Awards and POP Displays


Recently, we have been working with a client who wanted to use very thin strip lighting. So, we worked with them to build the lighting into the base of a large custom Lucite display piece so that you cannot see any wires.
This new advancement is a long way from the cumbersome days of lighting up display pieces. This new technology does not get hot, can be controlled by an iPad app and can allow for different configurations. In the version we created, it allowed the lights to change in a series of multi-colours which we set up on the app.

Now, we want to push it further. We are working with the supplier to see if we can actually embed the lighting into the Lucite awards and still have functionality and control of the light spectacle.

Leveraging Technological Advancements to Provide More Creative and Compelling Awards and Recognition Options

We are always excited by new approaches and work to be at the forefront of incorporating new technologies to provide more new and thrilling options for our clients. Technology is allowing us to manufacturer faster, but it hasn’t always made it easier – there are still techniques that we are working on perfecting. Overall, the changes that we see taking place in our small part of the world are helping us work faster, smarter and providing more exiting, creative, and high quality pieces to our clients.

What new technique would you like to try on your next custom Lucite award or SIGG water bottle?